Two elite soldiers; a mother and a father race against time to rescue their daughter from the clutches of a ruthless child trafficking syndicate , as they navigate through a treacherous labyrinth of danger and deceit. They must confront their own past traumas while shredding through a brutal underworld that thrives in secrecy....
某实力雄厚、背景神秘的大集团展开公开招聘,经过激烈角逐,最终有8名精英男女入围最终测试。他们被带入一间近乎全封闭的房间,在测试期间只有三条规则:1)禁止与考官和警卫交谈;2)禁止污损考卷;3)禁止离开房间。违反其中一条规则,将丧失考试的资格。应聘者面前的考卷是白纸一张,却发贸然落笔也是污损考卷的一种。在各种奇怪的规则之下,这几位精英变得手足无措,个性张扬的白人男子(卢克•梅布利 Luke Mably 饰)率先提议应试者们要共同合作,解决问题。拥有不同背景的男女看似走到一起,却不知机关暗藏其中。...
A claustrophobic survival thriller set beneath the Yellow Sea off the coast of North Korea where the pilot of a small submersible craft and a three man Special Ops team on a secret recovery mission become trapped underwater in a fight for survival....