本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演“维基解密”创始人朱利安·保罗·阿桑奇(Julian Paul Assange)。维基解密是一个大型文档泄露及分析网站,曾经在2010年公开了多达9.2万份的驻阿美军秘密文件而引起轩然大波。康伯巴奇将要饰演的朱利安·保罗·阿桑奇是网站的董事与发言人,曾主修过物理、数学,做过程序员和黑客。阿桑奇本人和网站一样都备受争议,他曾经因为解密工作获得过多项荣誉,也曾收到过国际刑警组织的逮捕令。2010年阿桑奇因涉嫌在瑞典强奸及性侵犯2名女性被通缉,2010年12月7日他向伦敦警方自首,随</p>...
Notorious fighters are trapped in lethal martial arts games by a sadistic magnate. Armed only with their combat skills, they face brutal battles for survival in a deadly kill-or-be-killed showdown....
Three couples ride out the apocalypse in an underground bunker playing board games but when their food supplies deplete, along with their sanity, the rules go out the window as they play the game of ravenous hunger....
At an exclusive boys' school, a new gym teacher is drawn into a feud between two older instructors, and he discovers that everything at the school is not quite as staid, tranquil and harmless as it seems....