这是一部典型的美国英雄主义电影。香港回归前夕,国际恐怖组织和香港的造假巨头准备抢在回归前完成一项走私活动――将一批香港生产的内藏微型炸弹的假冒名牌V6牛仔裤偷运到美国。幸好美国中情局及早察觉了恐怖分子的计划,于是先后派出了特工哈利(保罗•索尔维诺 Paul Sorvino 饰)、汤米(罗伯•施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)和凯伦(莱拉•罗尚 Lela Rochon 饰)前往香港调查。...
After the sudden and mysterious death of her sister, a 17-year-old novitiate explores her God-given right to experience life to the fullest, during the summer of 1900 in Switzerland....
An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna....