Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely she bore the local folks' suspicions as she grasped for the happiness that had long eluded her, awaiting the birth of her child and hoping for a chance at happily-ever-after....
乔吉(海瑟·格拉汉姆 Heather Graham 饰)是一位单身的职业女性,同时也是两个孩子的妈妈。她迫于生活的压力,忽略了与孩子间的情感。一次偶然的机会,海瑟陪伴自己的孩子去看郎朗的《梦幻飞琴》演奏会,却被郎朗神奇的魔法吸进了电影的奇幻世界,与电影男女小主人公一道,乘着这架“梦幻飞琴”随着郎朗的琴声,伴着肖邦的音乐,飞到了伦敦、飞到了巴黎、飞到了维也纳、飞到了华沙……重温了音乐大师肖邦的情感历程……...