幻想与现实界限模糊的未来世界,科技已经发展到远远超越时代的地步。电玩界女王爱丽拉·盖勒(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh饰)不仅美丽性感,更是一位设计尖端游戏的设计师。她所设计的虚拟实境系统“X接触”可以直接干扰玩家的神经系统。在试玩大会上,各方玩家齐聚一堂,体验爱丽拉的最新杰作。然而一群狂热者企图刺杀爱丽拉,危急时刻,爱丽拉被守卫泰德·皮库(裘德·洛 Jude Law饰)救走。为了躲避追杀,两人双双进入“X接触”的异次元世界,然而一切正在变得越来越虚幻。
改编自真实事件,聚焦前英国情报机构政府通信总部的翻译员Katharine Gun,她在2003年伊拉克战争爆发前夕泄露了一份国家安全局备忘录,曝光美国和英国联合对联合国安理会成员进行的非法间谍活动。本片的剧本来自基于此真实事件的纪实文学作品《The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun And The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion》。</p>...
Notorious fighters are trapped in lethal martial arts games by a sadistic magnate. Armed only with their combat skills, they face brutal battles for survival in a deadly kill-or-be-killed showdown....
Three couples ride out the apocalypse in an underground bunker playing board games but when their food supplies deplete, along with their sanity, the rules go out the window as they play the game of ravenous hunger....
At an exclusive boys' school, a new gym teacher is drawn into a feud between two older instructors, and he discovers that everything at the school is not quite as staid, tranquil and harmless as it seems....